booth 4
hi, Taylor.
I'm glad we're both here, in this place & time.
It's interesting to conceptualize a website as a shared place, meant to grow over time through conversation (and as a conversation itself), not to be "in development" & to be later "launched". I've tried to move spaciously in making the first change, making sure to leave a lot of space for your/my/our future changes, making sure that there's space to feel into what this place might be. I'd like to allow it to emerge into the form it wants to take.
It's interesting to think of a website that is grown, crystallized, pruned, cultivated, more through desire paths and informal usage than through design and planning. I'm excited to break ground on this together and discover it through conversation.
so - hopefully this is enough space for that. plus, this is just one of many booths in this diner...!
what have you been pondering about these days?
- Dan
(10/16/23 00:02, Brooklyn)